Genesa Crystal

(4 customer reviews)

The Genesa Crystal is a sacred geometric structure that can be used as a powerful tool for manifestation. Because its shape is perfectly aligned with nature, it generates an energy vortex that amplifies the intentions of those in its presence. In effect, it becomes an antenna that attracts, cleanses, balances, and finally amplifies energy. Use this to charge your jewelry or anything you would like.

Made with solid copper wire. Listed here are the sizes I create, the prices, and estimated USA shipping/handling (S/H) costs. These are usually made when ordered so allow several weeks to create. They are shipped from Wisconsin. Shown here is a 9 inch with some of my jewelry “charging”, with the intent to purify and amplify the energies of the stones and metals. Jewelry and crystals NOT included. Other image shows a 9″, 12″ and 16″.

Unfortunately these Genesas are not eligible to apply coupons, discounts, special sales, or free shipping.

  • 6″ diameter: $95 plus ($15-$35) Shipping/Handling
  • 9″ diameter: $120 plus ($15-$35) Shipping/Handling
  • 12″ diameter: $140 plus ($30-$60) Shipping/Handling
  • 16″ diameter: $180 plus ($40 -?) Shipping/Handling

To get actual S/H cost, please email me with your NAME and FULL MAILING ADDRESS and the SIZE of Genesa you would like. I will get back to you with the total cost of your Genesa, and options to pay.

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Why is it Called a Crystal?

The Genesa has a geometric shape that mirrors natural crystals and, like a natural crystal, the Genesa creates a vortex of energy that resonates a specific pattern over an indefinite period of time.

History of the Genesa

In the 1950s Dr. Derald Langham, agricultural geneticist and author of Circle Gardening, developed the Genesa Concept “as a model that can carry us from one learning experience to another, integrate the known, and probe into the unknown”. The Genesa Crystal mirrors the cellular pattern of an embryonic living organism after the third cell division. At this eight cell stage the cellular structure of all life forms is identical. Dr. Langham saw this eight cell cluster (Genesa Crystal) as a point of full, infinite potential. He felt that it held “the full potential for infinite love, for infinite wisdom, for infinite form, for infinite energy, for infinite power, for the Soul, for eternal time, for infinite velocity, for infinite faith. It has all your goals, your desires, your motivations – even life itself.” He believed that Genesa Crystals “make visible the invisible, make visible the geometry of the energy fields that envelope our 3rd dimensional system and penetrate it to the core”.

Sacred Geometry of the Genesa

This Crystal is a sacred geometric shape technically called a cuboctahedron (a polyhedron with 8 triangular faces and 6 square faces), an Archimedean Solid, that uniquely contains within it the 5 Platonic Solids (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron, dodecahedron) shapes that are the building blocks for all organic life.
For 2000 years the 5 Platonic Solids were seen as static and separate from one another. In 1946 Buckminster Fuller, visionary architect and designer of the geodesic dome, used his energetic – synergetic geometry to show that they are, in fact, related to each other as phases of a mutual transformational process vibrating within the shape of the cuboctahedron. He said that “…it is the only referential pattern of conceptual relationships at which nature never pauses”. It is considered by some to be his most important discovery.
The Star of Tetrahedron is believed by many to be the specific geometric shape that surrounds the human body. Some believe that a Genesa Crystal aligns the physical body with the spiritual body, speeding up life’s spiritual processes. When used in combination with meditation and pranic breathing, it is thought to assist the body to increase its evolution, thereby rapidly unfolding the knowledge of the Human self and the God within.

How is it Used?

Programming a Genesa is as simple as sitting it in a room or garden. No special instructions are required as the frequency of your subconscious intent is automatically picked up by this powerful antenna. However, the Genesa can be attuned to a specific intention by simply instructing it to do so. This can be done by focusing on the Genesa during meditation or holding it in your hands while stating your intent with gratitude.

To increase the power of your Genesa Crystal, place a favorite crystal in the center. For instance, a rose quartz can be used to magnify love in your life, an amethyst can by used to magnify intuitive powers, or a clear quartz crystal can be used to promote peace and harmony. People have also been known to place money in the center to attract abundance, photos in the center to protect a loved one or help them heal, or a card that simply states a specific intention. A Genesa is beneficial for anyone who would like to attract more love, peace, harmony, or good health into his or her lives.

The Genesa is commonly used in the creation of flower and gem essences to hold or preserve the essence’s energetic blueprint. I personally use a 9 inch Genesa to cleanse and amplify the energy of the my jewelry creations. Plus I use it to cleanse and energize my drinking water. Creative uses of the Genesa are limitless.

Who will Benefit from a Genesa Crystal?

Genesa Crystals are useful for everyone! They are used by healers to magnify their healing intentions, business owners to increase the flow of business, and gardeners to aid in the growth and development of plants. A Genesa is beneficial for anyone who would like to enhance and clear living and working space.

About the Genesa and Plants

Genesas have been reported to have a tremendous effect on plants, often credited with bringing a lackluster garden back to life. They have also been known to return an ailing tree to perfect health and to keep unwanted guests from invading your garden while you sleep!

What Size is Best?

Generally speaking, the bigger the Genesa, the larger area it will cover and the more impact it will have. It has been shown that a 4′” through 12″ is appropriate for indoor use, while a 16″ is good placement outside.

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